Monday, March 16, 2015

Silent Film shot list _When the going gets tough

 “When the Going Gets Tough” –Shot List
·       POV Point of view
·       OTS Over the shoulder
·       FG Foreground
·       BG Background
·       ELS Extreme long shot
·       LS Long shot
·       FS Full shot
·       MS Medium shot
·       CU Close-up
·       MCU Medium close-up
·       ECU Extreme close-up
Outside shots:
1. ELS- Parking Lot-Car quickly parks and guy hops out, grabs his bag out of the backseat and runs across the parking lot
2. Close up (interior car)- mans face (grimacing) as he tries to get out
3. LS- interior looking outside, man comes flying around corner grabs door open and runs
Interior Shots (Office)
1.     LS Woman sitting at desk
2.     Close up of woman
3.     MS Man standing in doorway jumping and arms waving, trying to tell woman the bathroom is closed
4.     Woman holding arms up “What can I do?”
5.     LS man pointing at her scarf
6.     MLS woman pointing to her scarf as if she is asking… “This scarf?”
7.     MS man suggesting “yes”
8.     MCU Woman shaking her head NO
9.     CU Man shaking head yes
10.  BCU woman shaking head NO
11.  ECU Man giving her a very sad look as if to say please
12.  MS woman sighing and relenting, takes off scarf
13.  CU Man taking scarf out of woman’s hand

Interior Shots (Bathroom)
1.     Zooming outward exterior establishing shot of Women’s restroom, beginning with sign and pulling outward until it’s a LS, woman enters the door
2.     LS Interior Restroom (woman enters doorway) walks to doorway and enters stall, as soon as she enters, man enters bathroom, looks around and enters stall next to her
3.     Floor Shot (man’s/woman’s shoes)
4.     MS (interior stall) woman on stall smiling
5.     LS man on stall, smiling and relieved expression, then abruptly turning his head with look of surprise
6.     MCU man realizing there isn’t any toilet paper
7.     ECU empty toilet paper roll
8.     BCU “aha” moment look on man’s face
9.     MS woman sitting on toilet smiling, eyes half closed, then suddenly raising head up in question
10.  BCU woman turning her head right, left, looking up and then downward
11.  POV CU toilet paper roll and man’s hand peering under the stall
12.  BCU woman’s face with puzzled look, then turning from puzzled to amusement
13.  CU (POV?) woman pulling paper out of toilet paper holder and handing placing it in mans hand
14.  XCU of man’s Hairy hand accepting the tp
15.  BCU of woman’s aha moment as she realizes it is a man, look changing to one of anger
16.  LS woman exits the stall,  heads to sink and washes hands (looking back over her shoulder) dries her hands and walks out of the bathroom
17.  CU male’s face, looking left, looking right (suggesting he is aware that woman has left
18.  CU door shutting to bathroom
19.  LS Man leaving stall, washing hands and leaving restroom
20.  Exterior Bathroom LS man coming out of bathroom
21.  EXT: CU (Man) look of surprise
22.  EXT: woman jumping and flailing and shaking her head
23.  MCU Man fleeing from the bathroom entry
Interior Shots (Hallways)
I. Scene one (before the bathroom
1.     LS Man running down hallway with computer bag
2.     FS Man slides around corner and sees bathroom is closed
3.     CU Man’s face as he realizes bathroom is closed
4.     MS mop bucket in front of bathroom
5.     ECU closed sign on Men’s bathroom
6.     ECU look of terror on Man’s face
7.     LS Man running down hallway
8.     LS Man sliding around corner
9.     LS Man running down hallway wearing scarf

II.  Scene two (after the bathroom)

1.     MLS Security guard standing then suddenly turning (hearing the screams of woman)
2.     MS woman jumping and pointing in various directions
3.     MS man takes off running
4.     MLS security takes off running
5.     LS Man running from left to right, security running from left to right
6.     MS man running from right to left, security following
7.     CU man from right to left, security follows
8.     LS man running down hall and turning corner, security follows
9.     VLS of empty hallway area…. Camera shifts to show door shutting
10.  CU security guard’s face and an aha moment (raises one eyebrow)
11.  LS security going into office area
12.  POV camera panning in room to reveal woman sitting at desk with scarf
13.  CU Man nodding head yes… thinking “I’ve got you now!”
14.  BCU woman’s head raising up to reveal woman’s face
15.  MCU officer realizing he’d been duped… aghast and confused… “Say what?”
16.  ECU (zooming outward) Man laughing… as camera pulls out, door slowly closes to reveal “men’s bathroom sign”

17.  End

Monday, March 9, 2015

Storyboard Template

Simple Sequence List

Film & Video Production
DIGM 1133

Simple Sequence Shot List

         Scene                        Focal Length                                                Description







